
The JMR publishes archival research contributions to the fundamental theory, algorithms, design, manufacture and experimental validation for mechanisms and robots. This website is dedicated to sharing highlights of the latest groundbreaking research into mechanisms and robotics theory, design and applications featured in our journal.

Our authors share additional insights into their work as well as photos and videos that further illuminate their research. We hope these deepen your interest in the topics we cover and encourage you to visit our online journal for more complete coverage of these areas. Visit us often for these and other exciting topics and for videos featuring the latest research in mechanisms and robotics or sign up for updates! - Venkat Krovi, Editor

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- ASME Digital Collection

Fundamental theory, algorithms, design, manufacture, and experimental validation for mechanisms and robots; Theoretical and applied kinematics; Mechanism synthesis and design; Analysis and design of robot manipulators, hands and legs, soft robotics, compliant mechanisms, origami and folded robots, printed robots, and haptic devices; Novel fabrication; Actuation and control techniques for mechanisms and robotics; Bio-inspired approaches to mechanism and robot design; Mechanics and design of micro- and nano-scale devices
Diversity and Inclusion
The Technical Committee on Publications and Communications endorses the commitment of ASME to support diversity and to create and ensure inclusive and ethical practices for publishing as well as the science and engineering professions.