Design and Analysis of a Bimanual Parallel Dexterous Hand With Cooperative Manipulation Capability
Abstract A bimanual parallel dexterous hand with cooperative manipulation capability is proposed to solve the problem that one hand cannot achieve continuous in-hand manipulation. The bimanual parallel dexterous hand is composed of two parts: the inner ring fingers and the outer ring fingers. It is possible not only to perform a 6-degree-of-freedom manipulation with the […]
Cable Force Distribution and Motion Control for a Cable-Driven Super-Redundant Robot Under Stiffness Constraints
Abstract Cable-driven super-redundant robots (CDSSR) with slender and flexible bodies have wide application potential in narrow spaces. However, the control accuracy of the robot is affected by the instability of the operating stiffness during motion, which is related to the diversity of the cable tension distribution solutions. To solve this problem, an analytical stiffness model […]
An Undulating Kirigami Pattern With Enhanced Tear Strength
Abstract Kirigami, the cutting and folding of sheets, can create useful three-dimensional shapes from flat sheets of material. Some kirigami patterns self-deploy from their flat state when tension is applied; we call these tension-activated kirigami (TAK) patterns. A new TAK pattern has been proposed that produces ribbons of material that undulate out of the plane […]
Special Section on Design, Modeling and Control of Cable-Driven Parallel Robots
The January 2025 issue of JMR includes a Special Section featuring nine papers on the Design, Modeling and Control of Cable-Driven Parallel Robots. The rest of the Issue contains six research papers and one technical brief on origami-enabled actuators, kinetostatic modeling, parallel robots and mechanisms, and more. Read the issue at the link below!
Special Issue on Selected Papers from IDETC-CIE 2023
J. Mechanisms Robotics. November 2024, 16(11): 110301 This special issue of the ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics (JMR) draws on papers presented at the 47th Mechanisms and Robotics Conference (MR), held as part of the 2023 International Design and Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2023), held in Boston, MA, Aug. […]
Special Issue on Mechanisms, Transmissions, and Applications
J. Mechanisms Robotics. September 2024, 16(9): 090201 This special issue of the ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics (JMR) draws on papers presented at the 6th IFToMM International Conference on Mechanisms, Transmissions, and Applications (MeTrApp 2023), held in Poitiers, France in May 2023. This meeting provided an opportunity for researchers from around the world to convene and […]
Announcing the Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics 2023 Best Paper Award
The 2023 Best Paper Award is given to the paper recognized by the Editor and Editorial Board for itsoutstanding contribution to the field of mechanisms and robotics published by JMR in 2023. Theaward includes a wall plaque for each author and announcements in an upcoming JMR Editorial, thecompanion website (, and through the journal’s online […]
IDETC’24 JMR Spotlight Session: JMR 2023 Best Paper Award

The 2023 Best Paper Award is given to the paper recognized by the Editor and Editorial Board for its outstanding contribution to the field of mechanisms and robotics published by JMR in 2023.
Philippe Cardou

Philippe is a Professor and a member of the Robotics Laboratory at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Laval University.
2023 Reviewer Awards and Recognition

The Reviewers of the Year Award is given to reviewers who have made an outstanding contribution to the journal in terms of the quantity, quality, and turnaround time of reviews completed during the past 12 months. The prize includes a Wall Plaque, 50 free downloads from the ASME Digital Collection, and a one year free subscription to the journal.