Vincenzo Parenti-Castelli received his Laurea degree in Mechanical Engineering cum laude at the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna in 1973. He served as Full Professor of Mechanics of Machines from 1989-2020 and is currently Professor Emeritus of Alma Mater Studiorum. He worked on gas journal bearings, machine design, gears, kinematic and dynamic analysis of open and closed kinematic chains, robot manipulators, and biomechanics. He authored many scientific publications in international journals and conference proceedings. He supervised more than 150 Masters and more than 30 Ph.D. students. He delivered several invited talks and seminars at international research institutions and universities. He has 5 patents related to the theory of mechanisms, knee prosthesis design, and laparoscopic tools. He served as Associate Editors for a number of journals and as Editor in Chief of Meccanica. He is currently a member of the Honorary Board of Mechanism and Machine Theory. He received several awards including the IFToMM 2021 Service Award, and the ASME DED 2022 Mechanisms and Robotics Award.