In this study, a flexure-based (compliant) linear guide with a motion range comparable to its footprint is presented. The design consists of two-folded leaf springs on which torsion reinforcement structures are added. Due to these structures, only two-folded leaf springs are needed instead of a minimum of five as in preexisting designs. The new design is compared to such a preexisting design, after optimizing both on a support stiffness metric. The new design scores over twice as high on the support stiffness metric, while occupying a smaller (−33%) and a less obstructive build volume. Stress, build volume, and manufacturing limitations are taken into account. In addition, a variation on the new design using three torsion reinforced folded leaf springs is presented and optimized. This design occupies a build volume similar to the preexisting design, but scores four times higher on the support stiffness metric. A prototype of the new design is built and its parasitic eigenfrequencies are measured, validating the theoretical models (normalized mean absolute error of 4.3%).
Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics Open Issues